Call Us at: 1 (800) 624-0912

*Be advised – Due to California orders our physical offices may be closed but we remain available to assist you remotely. Our main phone number is being routed to DCI personnel that will be able to assist you, but for the time being policies and renewal packets will be delivered via email only. Any questions regarding coverage feel free to email [email protected]

Any questions or application or change submissions should be sent to [email protected]

We here at DCI recognize that is a very tough and uncertain time for our nation. Small businesses across the country, and child cares especially have been significantly impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic. Right now you might be wondering if you have coverage for the unprecedented situation we are all facing which may have caused you to shut down or lose business.

Unfortunately, there are no provisions in a standard liability policy for “Loss of Income” This does not only apply to child care but to virtually every other business as well. “Loss of Income” coverage is generally an optional coverage made available on property policies or in some cases other specialty type policies. Those who do have “Loss of Income” coverage will more than likely find a “Civil Authority” clause which will highlight a Bacteria, Virus, Mold and or Pollution exclusion or similarly worded exclusion that would apply to the global pandemic scenario we are facing today. These exclusions have been a standard feature across varying classes of insurance and not a new occurrence.

It is important to know however that in most scenarios you would like have coverage for liability and legal defense in the event you were sued by a parent in connection with your actions or lack there of as it pertains to the pandemic.

We would not exist if not for the child care industry and no matter the circumstances we are committed to fighting for and providing solutions for our valued clients. We want you to know that we are staying in contact with various organizations, regulatory agencies and industry professionals to gather the most information possible in order to inform our clients of other possible resources and information.

We want to provide you with real accurate information that you can act on confidently, but what we have at this moment is limited. We are being informed that the Small Business Administration has a disaster relief loan assistance program that is now live. The link below is to the resource and fact sheets and you can apply on the main SBA page:

Disaster Loan Assitance

Disaster Loan Assistance Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters

We do hope and expect more resources to become available in the days and weeks ahead and hope that additional legislation will be passed to create even more opportunities to help child care businesses.

We plan to update our blog with additional information just as soon as we can. In the meantime we would invite you to check out the following video series by DayCare Owl, a child care provider resource we have partnered with in the past that you might find helpful.

DayCare Owl – Covid 19 Conversation with DC Insurance

DayCare Owl – Covid 19 Conversation with Former CDC Public Health Officer and Infectious disease expert Dr Murray Cohen